- I did not allow access to my location when I was prompted first, how do I enable my location access for the app?
- I cancelled acceptance of push notification when I was prompted, how do I enable push notifications now?
- Will my subscription auto renew at the end of subscription period?
- Does the iPhone app work with Grocery King on Android
- What happens when my subscription ends?
- Can I share and sync my shopping data with others devices in my family?
Shopping Lists
- How do I delete a shopping list?
- How do I compare prices between stores?
- How do I attach my receipt to a checkout?
- How do I checkout from my shopping list?
- My retailer cannot be found in the retailer search, can I manually select the retailer location from a map?
- I made a mistake adding a favorite item to shopping list, how do I remove it from the list?
- How do I add brand items to a stock location?
- How do I add/subtract item stock by scanning barcode?
- How do I set an expiry date for an item? Is there a setting to automatically add an item to a shopping list after it expires?
- What is Repetition? I have a few items that I shop for regularly, how do I set this up so that items get added to my designated shopping list automatically week after week?
- I would like to receive an alert/notification before my item expires, how do I achieve this?
- I have used 50% of an item in stock, how do I represent that in Grocery King?
- How do I reorder my cards up or down?
- How do I e-mail front and back copy of my reward card?
- My card's retailer is not listed, what do I do?
- My card fails to be scanned successfully at the checkout, what do I do?
- Why does scanning fail with flat bed scanners?
- I am having trouble scanning my card's barcode to add into the app
ToDo Lists
- How do I email my todo list?
- How do I set priority for my task?
- How do I see all my tasks due in the next 7 days?
- What are sub tasks? How do I add them to my task?
- How do I set a due date for my todo? How do I setup reminder alerts?
- How do I add items to my master list?
Recipes General
- How do I e-mail a recipe along with ingredients list and directions?
- There are too many units of measure that are not relevant for me, how do I hide a few?
- How do I sort my ingredients?
- How do I add a note for an ingredient?
- How do I quickly change an ingredients quantity and unit?
- How do I attach/replace photo for an ingredient?
Recipes Desktop App
Meal Plan
Syncing and Cloud Backup
- Some of my images have failed to sync and show as empty, what do I do now?
- How do I change the e-mail address on my account?
- I am trying to sign-in but have forgotten my sync account password, how do I reset it?
- I have signed in but I would like to reset my sync account password?
- My device does not have the latest changes from my other devices, what should I do?
- I see an error message in my sync status, what should I do?